Welcome to Conquest Communication Consultants.

This page contains important details on Conquest Communiation Consultants commitment to delivering training , the terms, conditions , policies that we adhere to.

Conquest Communication Consultants Policy




Access and Equity


Alternative Training Pathways


Quality Control

  • AQTF audit summary
Contact us



Before you decide to enroll in a course, find out from us what the course entry requirements are, when it runs and how much it costs, and what you will learn during the course. This information is available by reviewing the contents and requirements of each course or contact the Conquest Communications Consultants (CCC) Team on 07-4159 6950 or [email protected].

Covid 19 Safety Procedures

Click here to download our Safety Procedures

Enrolment Process


  1. Choose a course or two from eShop section of our website.
    1. Each course has detailed information about the training and content involved. Be sure to read this information and if you have any questions give us a call to discuss your needs.
  2. Pay for your training via credit card
    1. Our website and payment system is secured. No Credit Cards details are kept after the initial payment.
    2. An invoice will be automatically generated and emailed to the address provided.

NB: The payment requirements are outlined in each individual course description. These requirements vary depending on the volume of training you are undertaking.  In accordance with the ASQA 2015 standards for RTO's we do not collect more than $1500 in prepaid fees for our courses.

  1. Our Learning Management System (LMS) will then send you a "Sign on" email with detailed instructions on how to create your online learning profile within our LMS.
    1. You will need a Unique Student Identifier (USI) number.
  2. Once you have processed your payment and created your online profile the CCC team will be notified of your registration.
    1. The Conquest Team will check you are a legitimate learner and activate your training account.

IMPORTANT – If you need any help at all, steps 1-4 above can be completed with help from the CCC team.

  1. Conquest will email you to say you've been activated and provide further instructions on how to navigate our LMS to complete your training.
  2. When you sign in for the first time you will be requested to provide all your personal details. This information is stored in our confidential database.
    1. If you have previous workplace/industry experience this is the time to let us know. Visit the Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) section of the LMS (located in vertical menu on the left hand side of the page) and follow the instructions provided.
    2. If you submit an RPL assessment a CCC Assessor will review your RPL evidence and apply RPL to your training profile or ask for more evidence.
  3. Start your Training

If throughout your study your find yourself stuck in anyway please just give us a call and we’ll do what we can to help. Trevor is here to answer your technical queries directly. Garry is here to help you with any online or administrative concerns.

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Don’t know what a USI number is?

The Department of Industry have implemented a National Vocational Education and Training Data Collection initiative allowing an individual to see all of their training results from all providers including all completed training units and qualifications. This is to be completed through a Unique Student Identifier (USI). The USI is a reference number made up of numbers and letters that gives learners access to their USI account.

The USI is available online and at no cost to the learner. This USI will stay with the learner for life and be recorded with any nationally recognised VET course that is completed from when the USI came into effect on 1 January 2015.

Please go to www.usi.gov.au  and register for your own USI. You will need to have on hand some form of identification.

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Training Timeframe

We apply a timeframe to ensure the learners’ skills are current at the time of completing the course.

Learners have a time limit of 3 - 24 months to complete their training. The timeframe for each course is outlined in the course description. Qualifications generally are to be completed within 24 months.

Traineeship contracts are generally 24 months. Please refer to the contract signed with the government body registering the traineeship. No fees applies for Trainees requesting an extension, however we reserve the right to request a verification of currency if the time stretches out too long.

There is a penalty fee to be paid upfront for any extension requests for Fee for Service Learners. See the eShop for the current fee.

Further fees will be charged due to transitioning to superseding qualification if extra competencies are required. See Training Package upgrade for more information on why a transition may be required. 

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Training Locations

We’re a Nationally Recognised Training Organisation and can train all over Australia. All our training gear is transportable increasing our ability to train in many places other companies can't go. We have experienced and qualified Trainers who travel across Queensland each year conducting our training and full time trainers in Brisbane and Bundaberg. We also have Trainering Partners in other states.

For Training outside of the above mentioned locations and in other states please call us first and we’ll let you know where the closest trainer is to you and how quickly we might be able to line up the schedule to meet your training needs. If you sign up 5 or more learners we can travel to you and deliver the hands on training in your own workshop. For an additional fee, we can also attend your workplace to deliver training if you do not have the 5 or more learners. These training days at your workplace can include the weekend to minimise the loss of your normal weekday working hours.  Alternatively if you are registering as an individual, or your company has less than these numbers, we schedule courses in the major towns throughout the year, and your learners can attend these sessions.

Due to the unpredictable nature of regional training, Regional learners purchasing Conquest training must be aware that our guarantee to deliver the training as close to them as possible is only valid for the first year of their enrollment. If after 1 year they have not finished their training (hands on component) we reserve the right to request that they travel to our nearest training location at their expense. We would not ask this lightly and it would only occur if the Trainer in the learner’s location is unable to complete the training due to health, personal/professional issues or they are no longer working for Conquest Communications. Where possible prior notice to learners would be provided.

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Hands on Training

All our courses include an online and practical hands on training component. The online training is completed at the learners own pace and discretion. Hands on training days are regularly scheduled in locations across Queensland.

Additional fees may apply to individuals who request hands on training outside our scheduled session.

If you sign up 5 or more Learners we can travel to you and deliver the hands on training onsite at your workplace.

For an additional fee, less than 5 learners can be accommodated and the training venue be at your workshop.

Alternatively if you have less than these numbers or are registering as an individual, throughout the year we schedule courses in major cities/towns and you can attend these sessions.


Inexperienced Cablers –

  • Inexperienced cablers may need to gain field experience to build on our learning before competency is approved.
  • Inexperienced cablers may need additional face to face hands on training for (e.g. Hand and Power Tools) or
  • Inexperienced cablers must gain the necessary experience in the field with their Employer to meet the ‘Field Experience Declaration’ as required by the ACMA and Conquest Communications.

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Complete all self-evaluation exams before you attempt a real online exam. These self-evaluation exams really prepare you well for the real online exams. When you have studied the relevant online modules, you can sign on to complete the real exams. It is important to study all the online material first as many topics are cross referenced in different modules.

  • Exams are multiple choice answer styled.
  • Exams are timed.
  • Exams are open book so you can use any notes or books you have plus reference the online content.
  • Exam pass rates 80%. If you don't pass an exam you will be shown the questions you answered incorrectly (if you have a pass mark between 61-80%) and have the question and correct answers explained to you live online.
  • Exam questions are drawn at random.
  • You get two attempts at each exam.
  • Exam failures below 61% will result in a 24hour lock out for that exam. You will be directed to study the content again.
  • Failing twice - you are asked to call the CCC team and discuss your results.
  • Failing 4 or more times will result in compulsory tutoring with our trainer either over the phone or in person.
  • Attempts to circumnavigate the LMS exam processes will result in immediate suspension and a request to explain yourself. If your employer has paid for and enrolled you in to the training, they will be notified of the situation.  

We have a Trainer available all throughout the week to help learners who request extra help or for those who are simply stuck on a particular subject. Trevor likes to talk Telecommunications so please don’t hesitate in contacting them.  Call 07 4159 6950 or email [email protected]


Exam Discrepancies

The LMS has the ability to track and report on a variety of events, one of those being exam discrepancies. 

The LMS;

  • tracks detailed information on all exams, 
  • Requesting an exam to review questions but no attempt is made to complete the exam.
  • compares results with common statistics such as; average time to complete an exam; average pass marks and test attempts/re-attempts and failures.

Exam Discrepancies events can show as a result of;

  1. An error in the internet connection/processing
  2. Exam attempted well outside of the normal exam parameters
  3. An attempt to fraudulently use the LMS. 

If any of the above occurs, learners will be sent an email asking them to explain the event.

Failure to respond appropriately can result in;

  • exams being reset with strict monitoring applied (fees can apply)
  • additional exams to be taken under supervision of Trainer at the expense of the learner
  • course cancelations
  • employer notified
  • server code review

We implement these parameters to track the above events for internal and external auditing purposes. We wish to ensure learners are progressing through our training appropriately and honestly in alignment with ethical and honest student behaviour. 

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Training Package Upgrades

Training package upgrades occur frequently in the Telecommunications industry. At an approx. rate of an upgrade every 2 years. When a training package upgrade is implemented RTO's are generally given 12 months to teach out the superseded courses, qualifications etc. 

If a training package upgrade occurs during a student's enrollment then a notice will be sent out. The student will be given the option of continuing with their current course or upgrading to the latest version. The Teach out period means that student's will not be disadvantaged by an upgrade. They will be provided sufficient time to complete their elected training.

Upgrading to the latest version will involve course upgrade fees and in most cases additional study. If a student does not finish their training within the required time frame Conquest Communications reserves the right to charge an upgrade fee to transitioning them to the new course. 

Conquest will not in good conscience sell an already superseded training course to a student without informing them of the training package status. Upon registration the student will be provided with all information about the training package upgrade. 

The teach out period is also the time provided to RTO's to review the latest course package and upgrade their training to meet the new national standards. 


Alternative Training Pathways

Recognition of prior learning

We know that you may have done other courses, or have experience, which covers some of the material in the course that you want to do. Sometimes you have learned all of the material in a course, and will want us to recognise that with an Australian Competency or Qualification.

Our Trainers and Assessors are experienced in assessing and applying Recognition of Prior Learning to learners’ profiles. We have comprehensive RPL application forms for learners to complete to assist with the process. Sufficient evidence of your experience must be provided for a successful RPL assessment.

If you are unsure whether or not your experience relates to your chosen course, call us and we’ll help you.

Sometimes an assessment might cover all or part of a unit of competency. If only part is covered then further training will be requested of you to meet the gaps highlighted.

Further information can be found in learners profiles through the RPL section.


Credit Transfers

We will automatically recognise any nationally recognised qualification granted by another Australian Registered Training Organisation.

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Verification of Competency 


Completion of a VOC does not imply nor guarantee you will gain employment. Completion of a VOC is an affirmation of your skills and knowledge limited to the competency tested. The VOC is not a Nationally recognised course. The VOC is developed from nationally accredited competencies and assessment procedures because industry has requested this service.


You may request us to complete a VOC for potential new staff or existing staff. The purpose of the VOC is to ascertain current knowledge and skills for current national competencies. Please review the statements in the paragraph above. We do not guarantee that because a student successfully passes a VOC test that this person is a suitable employee for your company. In requesting Conquest Communications to assess a candidate with a VOC, you agree to and understand that Conquest Communications is not liable for any issues or costs arising from your having employed a person with a VOC issued by us.

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Conquest is an Approved Supervised Registered Training Organisation for Government Funded Traineeships. Please contact for more information 07 4159 6950.



Payment Plans

Protect Prepaid fees by learners

In accordance with the ASQA 2015 standards for RTO's we do not collect more than $1500 in prepaid fees for our courses from learners. For purchases over $1500 our fees are broken in to payment installments.

Course access is dependent on payments. 

For courses/qualifications under $1500 the payment is made in full. 

Attendance at hands on training is dependent on the full fee being paid.

Additional Fees – Please see each individual course description for any additional fees that may apply to that course. Some units require learners to purchase specific equipment to allow them to complete assignments.  

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Non Payments

Conquest Communications reserves the right to suspend/cancel online learning accounts and withhold a learner’s Certificates/Statements of Attainment on the basis of non-payment for invoices overdue.

Course Access will not be available until the first payment has been received.

CCC reserve the right to engage a debt collection agency to recover the outstanding fees and such recovery fees will be added to the overall total.

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  1. At any time before the course is activated: a full refund is available on request, less a $55 administration fee and RPL fees if an assessment was completed
  2. After a course has been made active and a learner has access to their course – A partial Refund is available on request. Active units of competencies are no longer eligible for a refund. A partial refund is available for the units of competencies not made active.
    1. Exceptions apply if the online learning management shows that the learner has not yet logged in to their profile. In this case, a full refund is available, less a $55 administration fee and RPL fees if an assessment was completed
  3. Withdrawal from a course after 21 working days – on request a partial refund is available. Refund calculated using active and locked units of competency, less $110 administration fees and RPL fees if an assessment was completed.
  4. Three (3) months after course activation: no refund


With all options above, if units were successfully completed through learner completion, RPL or Credit Transfers, a statement of attainment will be issued.

Note that the refund applies to the amount actually paid for the course, which may be less than the full course fee if the learner is granted recognition for prior learning.

A refund request must be made in writing via email to [email protected]. With your refund request please also provide your bank details.

Refunds will be processed in 5-10 working days.

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Hands on Training Non Attendance

Hands on training is an expensive exercise and failure to attend and commit is your responsibility. If you fail to attend a hands on training session that you have booked in to, CCC reserve the right to charge you additional fees to be paid prior to booking you in to your replacement session.

Having said this we recognise that there are events in life that are out of your control including but not limited to; health, family emergencies and work demands.

To reschedule your hands on training, where possible notice must be sent to [email protected] at least three (3) working days prior to your session. Failure to provide this notice may result in additional fees unless an accepted reason can be provided. We don’t need to know your personal life details but just enough that we can make an informed decision of whether or not your non-attendance could have been reasonably avoided.

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Administration Fees

Administration fees are charged in addition to course fees for the following services;

  • Learner Exchanges, i.e. swapping a retiring learner for a new learner, conditions apply.
  • Re-Take Exam, i.e. learner fails an exam twice and requests further attempts, conditions apply, discussion with tutor toward attitude and learning difficulties.
  • Swapping courses midstream
  • Recognition of Prior Learning Applications occur a one off administration fee.

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The issuing of Certificates or Attainment Statements are included in the course fees. Conquest Communications keep electronic student records and can resend an electronic copy of a Certificate or Attainment Statement at no fee.

This fee is only applied if the training was completed a significant time ago and we have to retrieve the records from archive.

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Training Extensions

Conquest Communications reserves the right to charge an extension fee for all students requesting additional time to complete their studies. See individual course descriptions for the training time frame allocated.

This fee is in place to encourage students to progress through their training at the recommended pace. The timeframes are set to ensure currency of the knowledge gained through the training. 

Reasonable exemptions from this fee will be considered but not automatically granted.

If at any time throughout your training something occurs to hinder your training progress please let us know. We can suspend your registration for a while, and once things are right in your world to start the training again, we will reactivate your profile. This way your training timeframe is not unnecessarily taken up with non-study time. See Suspension under the Access and Equality section for more information.

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Tools and Kits

Our training can lead to trade level qualifications. Thus a good tradesman must own the appropriate test equipment to perform competently as a trade qualified person. We also appreciate that the more expensive items are often simply hired as needed by you or your company.

We supply all of the required tools and equipment for learners at their hands on training days however some subjects require learners to purchase inexpensive tools/kits to conduct the assignments.

When choosing your training be sure to read the full course description on whether or not you will be required to purchase tools/kits to conduct this training.

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If you can think of any way that we can improve our service, please let us know. Our staff are eager to hear of anything that we can do better.

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If you have a complaint, please see any of our staff. They will try to solve the problem with you, and will also help you to formally make a complaint to Conquest Communications Manager. If you do not agree with what happened as a result of your complaint, you have the right to have an independent person (someone acceptable to you, and that is acceptable to us) decide what is to happen.

The staff member will explain this to you.

Complaints should be written by email [email protected] or posted in writing to us at PO BOX 1972 Bundaberg Qld 4670.

In you are unsatisfied with our response to your complaint you may take your complaint further through any of the below pathways;

Australian Skills Quality Authority - http://www.asqa.gov.au/complaints/complaints.html

Apprenticeships Info - http://apprenticeshipsinfo.qld.gov.au/ (only applicable to those learners who are undertaking a government funded Traineeship).

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You will be given feedback on whether you passed or failed an assessment or the course, and why. The Trainer will also tell you about other opportunities that they think would be valuable for you. If you do not agree with your assessment, you can make a complaint to our Management, and if you are still not satisfied then you have the right to get an independent expert to decide (see "Complaints" above).


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Access and Equity

We are committed to providing training to anyone who can benefit from it. All of our staff are committed to the principles of access and equity - please ask to see our Access and equity policy at any time.


Visitors to Australia must supply a copy of their Visa prior to enrollment in our training. There are various visas that you can apply for depending on your plans in Australia. Each Visa has different allowances for completing study in Australia.

Visit the Department of Immigration and Border Protection for more information - http://www.border.gov.au/Trav/Stud

Some travel visas can inhibit our ability to conduct training for a leaner. 


If you feel that any other learner or any staff member has harassed you or bothered you in any way, please ask to see our Office Manager immediately. Please note emails from the admin team, reminding you to log in regularly is not classed as harassment. However if you feel that they are excessive, please let us know and we will review.

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Account Suspension

Suspensions can be applied to a learners account for a few reasons;

Lack of payment – if payment is not made then a suspension will be applied to the learners account until the account has been settled. This includes instalment payments.


Learners’ request – unexpected things happen in life and something happens during you training that hinders you ability to complete the training in the allocated timeframe it is recommended that student request a suspension on their training account. This will pause the training clock and allow them time to get in a better place for continuing the training.

Examples of reasons for a leaner to request a suspended registration;

  • Long illness/injury
  • Births, Deaths and Marriages
  • Family emergency (requiring significant time)
  • Work demands/ project deadlines
  • Holidays over a month – lucky you

We don’t need to know your personal life details but just enough that we can approve a course suspension for you and a reasonable timeframe for the suspension.


Suspected Exam cheating

CCC reserves the right to ask all learners to validate how they have used the online training if the data captured in the LMS demonstrates a potential attempt to misuse the system.  

Attempts to circumnavigate the LMS exam processes will result in immediate suspension and a request to explain yourself. If your employer has paid for and enrolled you in to the training, they will be notified of the situation.

Until an acceptable reason has been provide all training will be suspended.

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Disciplinary procedures

Any learner who is found to be cheating, harassing other learners or staff, or breaking the law in any other way, will face disciplinary action. This may involve asking the learner to leave the course immediately, and in some cases may involve a report to the Police.

Language, literacy and numeracy assessment

If you know that you have a language, literacy or numeracy problem, please tell us so that we may compensate you by adjusting our training and assessment systems to help you complete our training. If your disability is deemed beyond our scope to assist you we will recommend a Registered Training Organisation that specialises in assisting you to acquire the necessary standards of LLN.

All learners are required to undertake a language, literacy and numeracy assessment prior to starting any training unless they have previous Nationally Recognised training or qualifications.

Learner support, welfare and guidance services

We recommend that if you have any special needs that you contact the nearest National Employment Services Provider. . Use this link http://jobsearch.gov.au/  to contact them.

Flexible learning and assessment

Our training is flexible as it is all self-paced, online, under your control. Our assessment of your theory is completed online. Our hands on training is either completed by classroom methods, mentoring or by photographic/video evidence.

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Quality Control


Summary of AQTF audit information

As a Pre-qualified Supplier under the User Choice program, Conquest Communications is required to publish audit information in relation to its compliance with the Australian Quality Training Framework (AQTF).

The User Choice program provides public funding paid directly to Pre-qualified Suppliers for the delivery of accredited entry-level training to eligible Apprentices and Trainees. The AQTF is the national set of standards which assures nationally consistent, high-quality training and assessment services for the clients of Australia’s vocational education and training system.

An AQTF audit reviews evidence of an organisations’ compliance with the requirements of the AQTF Essential Conditions and Standards of Initial/Continuing Registration to confirm that it is achieving quality training and assessment outcomes. The process also identifies opportunities for improvement on these outcomes.

This information is published to assist apprentices, trainees and their employers to make informed decisions regarding their selection of a Pre-qualified Supplier for the delivery of training and assessment services.

Explanatory notes: Non-compliance with the AQTF means that requirements of the AQTF have not been met based on the evidence reviewed. Non-compliance are categorised as minor, significant or critical. For the purposes of the User Choice 2022 – 2023 program, only significant and Critical non-compliances need to be published.


Minor: No, or minor, adverse impact on learners with no serious breakdown of provision of quality training and assessment.

Significant: Significant adverse impact on learners with insufficient focus on quality training and assessment outcomes.

Critical: Critical adverse impact on learners with widespread or persistent dissatisfaction with services and outcomes.

A copy of the July 2010 Audit may be downloaded at the following URL

http://www.conquest.com.au/audits/NTIS 30268 AUDIT 3026815343A audit report.pdf



Please visit the ASQA website find a copy of the Standards for RTO's. https://www.asqa.gov.au/ 

RTO is responsible for the quality of the training and assessment in compliance with these Standards

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Conquest Communication Consultants is committed to the new Australian privacy legislation in the way it collects, uses, secures and discloses personal information.


The Commonwealth Privacy Act 1988 requires companies to comply with the National Privacy Principles (NPPs). This document describes Conquest Communication Consultants Privacy Policy.

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The information we collect

As a registered training organisation (RTO), we collect your personal information so we can process and manage your enrollment in a vocational education and training (VET) course with us.

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Information derived from communications between us and you.

We use your personal information to enable us to deliver VET courses to you, and otherwise, as needed, to comply with our obligations as an RTO.

Your Email address will be kept securely. It will not be sold or distributed.

How we disclose your personal information

We are required by law (under the National Vocational Education and Training Regulator Act 2011 (Cth) (NVETR Act)) to disclose the personal information we collect about you to the National VET Data Collection kept by the National Centre for Vocational Education Research Ltd (NCVER). The NCVER is responsible for collecting, managing, analysing and communicating research and statistics about the Australian VET sector.

We are also authorised by law (under the NVETR Act) to disclose your personal information to the relevant state or territory training authority.

How the NCVER and other bodies handle your personal information

The NCVER will collect, hold, use and disclose your personal information in accordance with the law, including the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) (Privacy Act) and the NVETR Act. Your personal information may be used and disclosed by NCVER for purposes that include populating authenticated VET transcripts; administration of VET; facilitation of statistics and research relating to education, including surveys and data linkage; and understanding the VET market.

The NCVER is authorised to disclose information to the Australian Government Department of Education, Skills and Employment (DESE), Commonwealth authorities, State and Territory authorities (other than registered training organisations) that deal with matters relating to VET and VET regulators for the purposes of  those bodies, including to enable:

  • administration of VET, including program administration, regulation, monitoring and evaluation
  • facilitation of statistics and research relating to education, including surveys and data linkage
  • understanding how the VET market operates, for policy, workforce planning and consumer information.

The NCVER may also disclose personal information to persons engaged by NCVER to conduct research on NCVER’s behalf. The NCVER does not intend to disclose your personal information to any overseas recipients. For more information about how the NCVER will handle your personal information please refer to the NCVER’s Privacy Policy at www.ncver.edu.au/privacy.
If you would like to seek access to or correct your information, in the first instance, please contact your RTO using the contact details listed below. DESE is authorised by law, including the Privacy Act and the NVETR Act, to collect, use and disclose your personal information to fulfil specified functions and activities. For  more information about how the DESE will handle your personal information, please refer to the DESE VET Privacy Notice at https://www.dese.gov.au/national-vet-data/vet-privacy-notice.

You may receive a student survey which may be run by a government department or an NCVER employee, agent, third-party contractor or another authorised agency. Please note you may opt out of the survey at the time of being contacted.

Contact information
At any time, you may contact Conquest Communications to:

  • request access to your personal information
  • correct your personal information
  • make a complaint about how your personal information has been handled
  • ask a question about this Privacy Notice

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Our site provides you the opportunity to opt-out of receiving communications from us and our partners when we provide information.

NB: If you are actively enrolled in training you cannot opt out of communication from us.

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Credit Cards

Conquest Communication Consultants may use credit card transactions to collect memberships and subscriptions for various sections of Conquest Communication Consultants.

The charges are in the name of Conquest Communication Consultants.

Credit Card details are passed to our bank via an encrypted secure (SSL) connection. The bank returns a PAN truncation of the card number to be printed on our customer receipts of only the first six digits and last three digits, the remainder being replaced by dots. This hides the card number from anyone who obtains a copy of the tax invoice when discarded, or by other means, while still allowing a card holder with multiple cards to identify which was used, and thus accurately record the transaction. This PAN truncation number your credit card number, the credit card type and the expiry date maybe kept on file. Conquest Communication Consultants does not keep full credit card numbers at all.

Some details of the transaction are held by the credit card processing company, but your full credit card number is never available after the credit card transaction has been processed.

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How we use your information

We use the information we collect for the purpose disclosed at the time of collection or otherwise as set out in this Privacy Statement. We will not use your personal information for any other purpose without first seeking your consent, unless authorized or required by law. Generally we will only use and disclose your personal information:

  • To establish and maintain your relationship as a customer of Conquest Communication Consultants.
  • To provide the products and services you have requested from Conquest Communication Consultants.
  • To administer and manage those products and services.
  • To answer your inquiry.
  • For Newsletters by email, updates on training, new technology, specials on products.

If we contact you in this way without obtaining your prior consent, we will provide you with the opportunity to decline any further marketing communications. If you at any time receive any communication from Conquest Communication Consultants which you would not like to receive, please contact us and we will remove your name from our mailing list.

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Access to your personal information

In most cases, you can gain access to the personal information that Conquest Communication Consultants holds about you, subject to some exceptions allowed by law.

If you would like to check or amend your contact details, please contact us. We will deal with all requests for access to personal information as quickly as possible.

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Conquest Communication Consultants will take reasonable steps to keep secure any personal information which we hold and to keep this information accurate and up to date.

The Internet is not always a secure method of transmitting information. Accordingly, Conquest Communication Consultants cannot accept responsibility for the security of information you send to, or receive from us over the Internet or for any unauthorized access or use of that information

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Changes to this Privacy Policy

It may be necessary for us to review and revise our Privacy Policy from time to time. An amended version will be posted on our website at www.conquest.com.au. We suggest that you visit our website regularly to keep up to date with any changes.

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Proprietary information

This web site may contain proprietary notices and/or copyright information that must be observed. Conquest Communication Consultants do not wish to receive confidential or proprietary information through our web site. Any information received through our web site, other than orders via our secure server, will be deemed not to be confidential.

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Quality of Information

It is not possible to ensure that all information is constantly correct. This web site may contain technical inaccuracies, errors and omissions. Conquest Communication Consultants does not accept any responsibility or liability for any such inaccuracies, errors or omissions, and undertakes no obligation or commitment to update any of the information on this web site.


When you access another web site through this one, please understand that it is independent from Conquest Communication Consultants, and that Conquest Communication Consultants is in no way responsible for the information that you may view. It is up to you to take precautions to ensure that whatever you use is free of such items as viruses, worms, trojan horses and other items of a destructive nature.





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Contact Us

If you would like any further information, or have any queries, problems or complaints in relation to this Privacy Policy or our information handling practices in general, please contact us via the contact page.


Phone: 07 4159 9650

Email: [email protected]

Address: PO Box 1972 Bundaberg Q 4670


RTO 30268 - http://training.gov.au/Organisation/Details/30268 

Queensland Training Information Service (QTIS) - Conquest Communications


Conquest Communications is approved for USER CHOICE Contracts.


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Policy updated 12.12.2020